5 Ways To Save Droopy Leaves

why plants becomes droopy and wilting

What can cause a plant wilting ?

- Not receiving enough water:

the leaves begin to wilt when it doesn't receive enough water starting by the edges, becoming dry crispy leaves. Most plants leaves will wilt when they need watering, make sure to water thoroughly.

- Excessive watering :

Excessive watering leads to droopy leaves especially when you don't have a drainage hole and that would develop yellow or brown limp

- Root bound :

Root Bound causes drooping since there isn't enough place left in the pot to hold in the water needed.
To check if your roots are bounded, check the hole drainage, if it has roots growing out of it

Big pot with little amount of soil

5 steps to save a wilty plant

  • First off, move your plant to a indirect sunlight place even if the plant is a full sun plant
  • The plant might need air space around the roots, for that you'll need perlites, or use leca and by that you'll avoid using soil. This way will allow oxygen to reach the plant roots
  • Remove dead roots
  • Water only when the soil is dry, use chopstick to check the level of watering in soil .
  • You should seize all fertilization at this point until the plant is healthy again.

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Sharing my experience to take care of your plants

We believe that each house deserves some green, this therapeutic environment brings happiness.

Plantera is a place where you get to know your plant, its preference, treat it with love and feel your soul bloom ! Be a plant Mom

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