Monstera Deliciosa
- Monstera deliciosa likes bright indirect light at least 6 hours a day
- Let the soil dry between watering, 10-14 days allowing them to dry between watering to avoid fungal disease
- Use a moss pole for support, it will encourage larger leaf growth
- Fertilize when it's actively growing. I personally also fertilize in winter
- Most importantly, they appreciate a fairly humid environment 60-70%
- Healthy monsteras will have arial roots as they are naturally aroids
- Soil mix :
- 40% potting soil
- 30% fine bark
- 20% peat or sphagnum moss
- 10% perlite or pumice
- They can grow about a foot a year, or even more
- Repot every 2-3 years
- They can produce fruit & flower
Get To Know Swiss Cheese plant
The Swiss cheese plant(Monstera adansonii), is a striking and popular houseplant cherished for its unique foliage and tropical vibes.
With its large, heart-shaped leaves adorned with intricate splits and holes resembling Swiss cheese, this plant adds a touch of exotic flair to any indoor space.
Hailing from the rainforests of Central and South America, the Swiss cheese plant is not only visually captivating but also relatively easy to care for, making it a favorite among both novice and seasoned plant enthusiasts. Whether adorning a corner of your living room or cascading gracefully from a hanging planter, the Swiss cheese plant is sure to delight with its charm and character.
Watering Schedule For Swiss Cheese Plant
Water when the top few inches of soil feels dry
Swiss Cheese Plants prefer a moist soil so maintain a modest moisture level in the soil to avoid drying out completely
Swiss Cheese Plants can suffer from root rot, so ensure to use pots with drainage holes at the bottom to allow excess water to drain out and prevent waterlogging.
Lighting Tips:
Place Swiss Cheese Plants in a spot with medium to bright indirect sunlight for best results.
Avoid harsh direct sunlight for an extended period
Leaf fenestrations
Leaf fenestrations goal is to improve the capturing of the flecks on the forest floor, enhancing the plant's ability to photosynthesize.
Soil Mix
Use a moderately moist potting mixthat is well draining.
Add coco coir for moisture retention and orchid bark and perlite to promote better soil aeraion and drainage
Use a pot with a dranage hole so excess water can drain out and help avoid overwatering issues
Fertilizer :
Fertilize your Swiss Cheese Plant once a month during spring and summer for best results.
Don't fertilize in winter if your is not actively growing. Over fertilization can cause damage for your monstera
Provide humidity :
Swiss Cheese Plants prefer medium to high humidity for healthy growth.
Low humidity can cause browning tips on the leaves especially in the winter months. Personally I use humidifier to help maintain humidity at home especially during summer
All monsteras are tropical plants and prefer warmer temperatures between 65F - 85F
Routine Maintenance :
- Use neem oil to avoid spider mites, mealy bugs
- Moss pole for your swiss plant
Helps your plant climbing while attaching its air roots to the pole. It promotes larger leaves as it climbs